Religion and Faith

John Paul II moves a step closer to beatification
Pope Benedict XVI moved two of his predecessors closer to possible sainthood Saturday, signing decrees on the virtues of the beloved Pope John Paul II and controversial Pope Pius XII, who has been criticized for not doing enough to stop the Holocaust.
Evaluating Obama's first year in office
National Public Radio's Juan Williams joins Midday to discuss what President Barack Obama has accomplished, and where he's fallen short, during the first year of his presidency.
The Minnesota Council of Churches and the Muslim American Society of Minnesota are trying to get Christians and Muslim to view each other as friends and neighbors.
Four stories for the start of Hanukkah
The Jewish festival of Hanukkah begins Friday at sundown. By tradition to mark the occasion, Midday presents National Public Radio's "Hanukkah Lights," which features four short stories about Hanukkah and Jewish life.
Some different views of the holidays
Around this time of year there are almost as many holiday productions in Minnesota as bodies of water, but if you're looking for something a little different, grab yourself an egg nog, we'll take it from here.