Religion and Faith

'No Jews Allowed'
Midday rebroadcasts a 1992 documentary, "No Jews Allowed," which looks back at the anti-Semitism in Minneapolis in the 1930s and 1940s. Those feelings were so strong that a prominent journalist called Minneapolis "the capital of anti-Semitism in the United States."
Ethics and morality, without religion
The humanist chaplain at Harvard preaches on living an ethical life without belief in God as the underpinning. His new book explores why people manage to do good without belief in a deity.
Two Minnesota prosecutors have decided not to file charges against a man who they say admitted posting anti-Muslim images near a mosque and a Somali-owned store, saying the cartoons are protected under the First Amendment.
Bioethical challenges ahead
Nationally renowned bioethicist Arthur Caplan reviews the ethical challenges of the past decade, and the controversies he thinks will emerge in 2010 and beyond.
Bruce Feiler: How Moses influences American history
From the pilgrims to Independence Hall, the Civil War and the Civil Rights movement, author Bruce Feiler traces how the Exodus story of Moses plays out in American history. Feiler discusses his newest book, "America's Prophet: Moses and the American Story" in conversation with Stephen Smith, executive editor of American RadioWorks.
Fingerprints of God
National Public Radio correspondent Barbara Bradley Hagerty explores the quest to find actual physical evidence of God in her book, "Fingerprints of God: The Search for the Science of Spirituality." Hagerty spoke about her book as part of Minnesota Public Radio's Broadcast Journalist series.