Religion and Faith

Finding common interests, Obama and Pope Francis set a date
The March meeting during Obama's European trip will be the two men's first face-to-face encounter, but Obama has carefully followed the pope's progress since Francis took charge of the Roman Catholic Church 10 months ago.
Brazile thanks King for her 'head start'
The veteran Democratic political strategist, columnist and television commentator Donna Brazile delivered the keynote address at 24th annual Martin Luther King Holiday Breakfast in Minneapolis, and thanked the slain Civil Rights leader for paving the way for her success.
Photos: Beer and hymns for Jesus
When churchgoers at The Gathering begin singing the hymn "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling," it can come as an invitation to renounce the ways of the world and accept Christ's call to a new life.
'Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,' with beer and hymns at The Gathering
Singing hymns while drinking beer might sound like an unusual church event, but a growing number of congregations are turning to the non-traditional approach to lure new members in the Twin Cities and in cities across the country -- and in Fargo.
Virginia is quickly emerging as a key in the same-sex marriage fight
This purple state was once perceived as unfriendly and even bordering on hostile to gay rights. That's changed after a seismic political shift in the top three elected offices, from conservative Republicans to liberal Democrats who support gay marriage.
Vatican condemns priest sexual abuse 'crimes'
At a U.N. hearing, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Vatican's representative in Geneva, says "such crimes can never be justified" whether committed at home, school, sports activities or in religious organizations and structures.
If approved, the resolution would direct the Duluth Human Rights Commission to draft an ordinance that would prohibit discrimination against the homeless in education, employment, public services, public accommodations and other areas.
Pope: Abortion is evidence of 'the throwaway culture'
Pope Francis, criticized by some conservative Catholics as not speaking out forcefully against abortion, said Monday that the practice is "horrific" and evidence of "the throwaway culture."