
Water shortages and problems around Minnesota — and the country — have many wondering what is the true cost of clean and reliable water. This reporting is supported in part by The Water Main, a project of American Public Media.

New book explores the lore and beauty of Minnesota fish
Minnesota boasts the highest number of anglers per capita in the U.S. and the most fishing lakes. A new book pairs stories about the state's many species of fish with drawings by illustrator Joseph R. Tomelleri.
Health Department says it's safe to eat more fish in Minnesota
When the Department of Health said earlier this year that it was safe to eat more Minnesota-caught fish, the decision raised the question: Are Minnesota's lakes and rivers becoming cleaner? Nearly half of the state's waters are listed as impaired.
MIA exhibit showcases modern art from India
We've all heard about India as a burgeoning economic power, but what do we really know about its people and its culture? This weekend the Minneapolis Institute of Arts is opening an exhibition of photography and video from the fast-developing country.
Farm Bureau opposes constitutional amendment
Officials with the Minnesota Farm Bureau announced today they're joining the campaign to defeat a constitutional amendment to raise money for the environment and the arts.
U.S. House approves Great Lakes compact
The House has ratified a compact to prevent the diversion of water from the Great Lakes, sending the bill to President Bush for his signature.