
Thousands march in Brussels to demand tougher climate action
Thousands of people young and old are marching through Brussels to push European politicians to take bolder action to fight climate change. The march was being held ahead of the U.N. climate talks in Glasgow that begin on Oct. 31. 
A mega-drought is hammering the U.S. In North Dakota, it's worse than the Dust Bowl
Ranchers in North Dakota have been forced to sell off their herds at historic rates. Now they're worried they won't have enough feed to keep their remaining cows alive this winter.
A new report shows just how much climate change is killing the world's coral reefs
Rising ocean temperatures killed 14 percent of the world's coral reefs, a new analysis finds. But it's not without hope: Experts say many can recover if immediate action is taken to curb future warming.
Most Americans would rather rebuild than move if natural disaster strikes, poll finds
Even as climate change increases the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, two-thirds of U.S. adults say if their home is hit they'd rather rebuild than relocate.