
Here are 3 dangerous climate tipping points the world is on track for
Global leaders are negotiating about how to cut greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible. Scientists say every passing day, and every tenth of a degree, makes a big difference.
UN experts urge stringent rules to stop net zero greenwash
Oil companies pledging to get their emissions down to net zero better make sure they’ve got a credible plan and aren’t just making false promises, U.N. experts said in a report Tuesday urging tough standards on emissions cutting vows.
Money will likely be the central tension in the U.N.'s COP27 climate negotiations
Global efforts to limit climate change can't happen without more aid. Rich countries promised $100 billion to poorer ones to cope with global warming but seven years later, have yet to deliver.
This Minnesota hazelnut can pump up your favorite recipe and the environment
A University of Minnesota-bred hazelnut exemplifies the benefits of regenerative agriculture, and adds flavor to granola and fall salads. Find Beth Dooley’s recipes for them here.
A Minnesota hazelnut with unique climate fighting abilities
The University of Minnesota’s Forever Green Initiative is developing special crops that can improve crop productivity and fight climate change. One of which is a hybrid hazelnut grown regeneratively that’s packed with flavor and good for the environment.