
Climate change is making the weather more severe. Why don't most forecasts mention it?
Scientists and forecasters are trying to figure out how to talk about the connection between climate change and severe weather. It could have big impacts on how people think about global warming.
Did the world make progress on climate change? Here's what was decided at global talks
Delegates reached a last-minute deal to pay vulnerable countries for damages caused by climate change. But the final agreement does not put humanity on track to avoid catastrophic warming.
Record low levels of the Mississippi River cause major problems for grain
The Mississippi River reached record lows in the southern U.S. this fall causing major problems for the 60% of U.S. grain harvest that’s typically shipped down America’s largest river.
There are now 8 billion people on Earth, according to a new U.N. report
The number of people on Earth reached 8 billion for the first time, according to the U.N. The world's population continues to grow, but it's slowing down as people live longer and have fewer kids.
Al Gore helped launch a global emissions tracker that keeps big polluters honest
The online tool tracks power plants, oil refineries, large ships and other sources of greenhouse gases. Gore plans to expand the tracker to observe every major source of emissions.
Record flock of sandhill cranes at Sherburne refuge
The graceful, vocal birds stop by the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge before heading to warmer climes for the winter. This has proved a record year, although many have moved on due to the weekend cold weather.
'It could just sweep us away': This school is on the front lines of climate change
Climate change is an everyday reality for students and teachers living in the Himalayan mountains of Nepal. At one school, they are trying to learn more about the forces that could upend their lives.
Do wealthy countries owe poorer ones for climate change? One country wrote up a bill
At global climate negotiations, developing countries say they're being devastated by a problem they didn't cause. So they're looking for compensation for the losses and damage from climate change.