
Two sea otter pups, found orphaned along Alaska coast, find home at Minnesota Zoo
The female pups, named Denali and Nuka, were found just days apart in September and initially brought to the Alaska SeaLife Center. Minnesota Zoo staff spent several weeks helping care for the pups in Alaska, before they were brought back to Apple Valley, Minn.
Bobi, the world's oldest dog ever, dies at 31
The purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo livestock guard dog had a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years. His owner credit's Bobi's longevity to his ability to roam freely and his diet of human food.
New DNR EagleCam unlikely for 2024, but potential for a pair of live feeds in 2025
Potential nest sites are selected, but there are still many details involved in site approval and installation of electricity and a camera. The DNR wants to be careful to avoid any work on a camera site after the end of the year so they don't risk disturbing the nesting birds.
Authorities in Anoka County seized 22 dogs from an animal rescue group in the city of Andover on Friday, as part of the investigation into the discovery of eight dead dogs in Cottage Grove, Minn., last weekend.
Police in Cottage Grove say they executed a search warrant and talked with a person who confessed to dumping the bodies of eight dogs along a road near the Mississippi River last weekend.
Families flock to Richfield backyard for 'duck encounters'
In one Richfield backyard, there isn’t your usual lawn furniture or swing set. Instead, there’s a royal blue, pink and turquoise hand-painted duck coop, multiple miniature swimming pools and a garden featuring one of the Heinen fowls’ favorites: tomatoes.
Burnsville officials report 'unusual number' of calls about raccoons acting strangely
“These raccoons have been observed to be staggering, experiencing seizures, unafraid of their surroundings and allowing people to approach them, or laying/slumped for an extended period of time,” the city reported this week.