
How worried should we be about bird flu spreading to humans?
We've been tracking the H5N1 avian flu in the state's poultry flocks. Recently, the virus has made its way into goats and, in other states, cattle. Now in Texas this week, a man contracted bird flu after coming into contact with infected cows.
Deputies were called to a home near Mankato and found that a medium-sized, mixed-breed female dog had been fatally shot on the deck. The dog’s owner and another nearby resident reported finding threatening notes.
New program looking for fosters to help keep domestic violence survivors with their pets
The Minnesota Pet Foster coalition is looking to address a gap in services for survivors of domestic violence by ensuring the safety of their pets too.
A government proposal to kill a half-million owls sparks controversy
A U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposal to kill some 470,000 owls over 30 years to protect other owl species has prompted conservationists and animal welfare advocates to weigh the consequences.
‘Ozempig’ remains Minnesota baseball team’s mascot despite uproar that name is form of fat-shaming
Almost immediately after the team announced the name this week ahead of Saturday’s opening day game, criticism began pouring in on social media from people distressed by the name, calling it hurtful and insensitive.
Council recommends $12 million to fight invasive carp
A proposal to install a barrier to prevent invasive carp from moving up the Mississippi River got a surprise boost this week. The Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council makes recommendations on how to spend money from a dedicated sales tax.
Goats contract bird flu on Minnesota farm
Minnesota officials detected highly pathogenic avian influenza in several young goats on a farm in Stevens County. The infection is reportedly the first time avian influenza has been detected in cattle, sheep or goats.