Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Giant oil skimmer being tested in Gulf of Mexico
A converted tanker billed as the world's largest oil skimmer is being tested in the Gulf of Mexico, where officials hope it will scrub millions of gallons of oil-tainted seawater.
BP spill nears a somber record as Gulf's biggest
BP's massive oil spill will become the largest ever in the Gulf of Mexico by Thursday based on the highest of the federal government's estimates, an ominous record that underscores the oil giant's dire need to halt the gusher.
Wind, waves from hurricane dock oil skimming boats
Dozens of small skiffs, huge shrimp boats and even a swamp tour boat were tied to docks, winds whipping their flags and waves rocking them even in the sheltered marina.
Michigan U.S. Sen. Carl Levin says 14 senators and 33 U.S. House members have signed a letter to President Barack Obama seeking "urgent steps to protect the Great Lakes" from an Asian carp invasion.
Gulf's wetlands surviving despite oil
From a seaplane 1,000 feet above Louisiana's coastal wetlands, the places hit hardest by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill are easy to spot - dark slashes marring a vast expanse of marshes and bayous.