Environmental News

MPR News is your source for environment news from Minnesota and across the country.

Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Climate Cast

Listen to Climate Cast, the MPR News podcast all about our changing climate and its impact in Minnesota and worldwide.

Temperatures in much of Minnesota have a shot at 50 degrees today, Thursday and again over the weekend and into early next week. And much like the rest of the state, residents in southeastern Minnesota are preparing for the string of warmer days, rapid snow melt and potential flooding.
Japan's nuclear crisis
Japanese officials race the clock to contain radiation, five days after the earthquake damaged some of it's nuclear plants. What impact is this having on meeting America's energy needs and addressing global warming?
Researchers investigating movement of black bears into new habitats
Minnesota black bears are expanding their range out of forested areas into farmland, leading state Department of Natural Resources researchers to study how and why these bears are adapting to a new habitat.
Photos: Bear research in northwestern Minnesota
Minnesota black bears are on the move in northwest Minnesota. Bears are expanding their range out of forested areas, into farmland. Researchers are trying to learn more about how and why these bears are adapting to a new habitat where bears traditionally did not live.
This year's particularly harsh winter has hit northern Minnesota's deer population hard. And if spring doesn't kick in soon, even the survivors could be in trouble.
Among the substances scientists most often found are the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole and carbamazepine, a drug used to treat atentionl deficit hyperactivity disorder, agency scientist Mark Ferrey said. They also found the antibiotic trimethoprim and anti-depressant compounds.
"Troubled Waters" filmmaker speaks at the Westminster Town Hall Forum
Peabody and Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker Larkin McPhee speaks live at the Westminster Town Hall Forum. Her latest film, Troubled Waters: A Mississippi River Story, examines how farming practices have contributed to pollution in the Gulf of Mexico. The University of Minnesota made a controversial decision last year to cancel a screening of the film and later rescheduled it after coming under criticism.
State waters contain chemicals and pharmaceuticals
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency scientists have found more evidence of chemicals and pharmaceuticals in state waters. It appears these chemicals are found in most rivers and lakes in the state, even in remote locations.