Environmental News

MPR News is your source for environment news from Minnesota and across the country.

Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Climate Cast

Listen to Climate Cast, the MPR News podcast all about our changing climate and its impact in Minnesota and worldwide.

Youth go to trial in a test of state’s obligation to protect Montana residents from warming
The 16 young plaintiffs — supported by a parade of leading climate experts — are trying to persuade state District Judge Kathy Seeley that the state’s allegiance to fossil fuel development endangers their health and livelihoods and those of future generations.
Northern Minnesota researchers find that wolves are accomplished anglers
New research from the Voyageurs Wolf Project has documented evidence of wolves fishing for food over six of the past seven years, suggesting the practice is more widespread than initially believed.
This Brazilian activist stared down mining giants to protect the rainforest she loves
Champion of her ancestral forest, Brazilian Indigenous activist Alessandra Korap Munduruku was one of this year's recipients of the Goldman Environmental Prize for grassroots activists.
Courts have long seen K-9 dogs as impartial. Now police bodycams hold them accountable
Police body cameras have increased accountability for K-9 units, making it easier for defendants to claim unconstitutional searches. A federal lawsuit in Texas illustrates the new dynamic.
Some homes are becoming 'uninsurable' due to climate-related risks
Allstate and State Farm are the latest to stop offering homeowner’s insurance in California. Now, homeowners are facing fewer insurance options and skyrocketing costs. What does this mean for the rest of the country and the future of insurance in a world of climate change?
Earth’s oceans are the hottest on record
Earth’s oceans are the hottest on record. That’s the finding from a recent paper in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. What effects could this have globally and in Minnesota?