Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Making sure Minnesota gets its share of green energy money
As part of our “Getting to Green” series, the Minnesota Department of Commerce’s Pete Wyckoff talks about the amount of federal funding available to accelerate the transition to a clean economy, and his role in making sure Minnesota gets its share of the money
The Biden administration is moving ahead with what could be the largest national marine sanctuary in the continental U.S. A Native American tribe is hoping to be partners in managing it.
The challenge, and opportunity, of 'getting to green' in Minnesota
While many people are in favor of moving towards a so-called green economy through reducing our dependence on climate change causing fossil fuels, the realities of making that move are complex. Margaret Cherne-Hendrick who works for Fresh Energy, a St. Paul-based clean energy nonprofit, says the transition offers challenges and opportunities.