Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Small land transfer may be a big deal in tribal lands debate
In what could become a blueprint for similar Minnesota communities, Lake City, southeast of the Twin Cities, has returned ownership of Dakota burial mounds back to their modern-day relatives at Prairie Island Indian Community. Two communities historically at odds now may be ushering in a period of understanding.
As session approaches, Minnesota lawmakers plan to keep advancing shift to clean energy
Key Minnesota legislators say not to expect climate legislation as ambitious as last year in the upcoming session. In 2023, they passed a historic legislation aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This year their focus will be on making sure the state’s able to achieve its clean energy goals.
China promises pandas for the U.S. on the 45th anniversary of the two nations' ties
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the United States and China must insist on peaceful coexistence and promised that giant pandas would return to the U.S. — specifically California — by year end.
Lawmaker: Raise fertilizer fees to help pay cost of nitrate pollution
DFL Rep. Rick Hansen says farmers should pay higher fees for nitrogen fertilizer, the source of the majority of nitrate contamination in southeast Minnesota. Farm groups oppose the idea.