Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Climate denialism mapped to geography and political affiliation
A recent study shows nearly 15 percent of Americans “do not believe in climate change.” And the patterns of denialism can be linked to regional and political differences.
Health department says 22 Minnesota water systems have PFAS above new federal limits
For the first time, the Environmental Protection Agency has set enforceable drinking water standards for six PFAS. Water systems will be required to monitor for the chemicals and remove them if they're above the allowable levels.
Japan will give new cherry trees to replace those lost in D.C. construction
Japan is giving the U.S. 250 new cherry trees to help replace the hundreds that are being ripped out this summer as construction crews work to repair the seawall around the capital's Tidal Basin.
Xcel Energy hopes charging more for electricity during peak hours will encourage customers to shift energy use
Utilities are turning to so-called “time-of-use” rates to encourage customers to shift some of their energy use away from periods of high demand, when producing and delivering energy is more expensive and often, more polluting.
Study finds Minnesota state bee in tough shape
The first DNA analysis of the rusty patched bumble bee reinforces the precarious state of the endangered species. The data will help bee conservationists determine the best options for protecting and rebuilding the population.