Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Climate Cast

Listen to Climate Cast, the MPR News podcast all about our changing climate and its impact in Minnesota and worldwide.

'It was angry in the way it gobbled up the ground': Fighting fires on the front line of climate change
This year’s historic fire season in the west has made the link between climate change and more intense and frequent wildfires abundantly clear. For firefighter Don Whittemore, it was a close call with a fireball in 2006.
How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting climate change?
Climate scientist Kim Cobb and MPR News Chief Meteorologist Paul Huttner joined host Angela Davis to explore how the pandemic is affecting climate change. We're flying less, staying at home more — is it helping?
Facebook tries to tackle misinformation with new climate change hub
Facebook is launching a page focused on climate change facts. Facebook's Nick Clegg talked with NPR about the company's steps to stop misinformation on climate change and other issues.
Choking air from Western fires just won't ease up
Relief from putrid, dangerous air spewing from massive wildfires across the West won't come until later in the week or beyond, scientists and forecasters say, and the hazy and gunk-filled skies might stick around for even longer.
Hurricane Sally slows, gathering a deluge for the Gulf Coast
Hurricane Sally, a plodding but powerful storm with winds of 85 mph, crept toward the northern Gulf Coast early Tuesday, with forecasters warning of potentially deadly storm surges, flash floods spurred by up to 2 feet of rain and the possibility of tornadoes.
Relocated Isle Royale wolves form groups, reduce moose herd
Scientists say gray wolves that were taken to Michigan's Isle Royale National Park to rebuild its nearly extinct population are forming social groups, staking out territory and apparently mating. 
Winds remain a concern as death toll reaches 33 from West Coast fires
The thick smoke helped firefighters by blocking the sun and turning the weather cooler as they tried to get a handle on the wildfires. But warnings of low moisture and strong winds that could fan the flames added urgency to the battle.