Environmental News

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Getting to Green: Minnesota’s energy future

Getting to Green is an MPR News series that shares stories about Minnesota’s clean energy transition, including what needs to be done to get there.

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Foiled again: 'Murder hornet' eludes Washington state scientists
An Asian giant hornet fell off researchers' radar during their latest attempt to find its nest. The team is racing to exterminate the invasive species before it devastates U.S. bee populations.
Judge: Groups didn't prove Line 3 construction could damage wetlands, streams
In a non-binding recommendation issued Friday, Judge James LaFave said the coalition of environmental and tribal groups failed to meet the burden of proof in a contested-case hearing on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s water permits over the summer.
Thirteen counties in the southwestern corner of the state are expected to have critical weather conditions Wednesday, including relative humidity as low as 20 percent and strong winds. The warning lasts from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday.
Minnesota Supreme Court weighs fate of PolyMet mine permits
Lawyers for the proposed PolyMet copper-nickel mine and state regulators urged the Minnesota Supreme Court on Tuesday to defer to the judgment of the state Department of Natural Resources and reinstate three critical permits for the project.
Bands continue moose hunts to maintain tradition, treaty rights
The Minnesota DNR has not authorized a state moose hunting season for years, after a sharp crash in the iconic animal’s population. But more recently, as the moose population has stabilized, three Ojibwe bands in northeastern Minnesota have allowed limited hunts to keep alive an important cultural tradition.
Medical residents learn to treat the growing health hazards of climate change
From heat-related illness to mosquito-borne infections, physicians are seeing the effects of a warming planet in the exam room. There's a growing push to teach doctors-in-training how to respond.
COVID-19 stalks a Montana town already grappling with asbestos-related diseases
In Libby, Montana, an estimated 1 in 10 residents have an asbestos-related illness, after decades of pollution from a now-shuttered mine. With lungs already scarred, many fear contracting the coronavirus.
A coronavirus vaccine could kill half a million sharks, conservationists warn
The use of an immune-system stimulant harvested from shark liver oil in the development of some coronavirus vaccines has animal conservationists pressing for alternatives.