On Campus Blog

What flopped at this year’s MCTC student orientation
Beck Kilkenny, an orientation leader this year Minneapolis Community and Technical College — and digital editor at City College News — writes about what didn’t work during MCTC’s orientation: There was a lot of emphasis … about playing icebreaker games to facilitate communication within the group. This did not excite the students ….. Maybe it’s Read more →
How much of a demand is there for air-conditioned dorms in MN?
Students may still be sweating it out in their hot dorm rooms, but from what I’ve heard from MSU-Moorhead and some private colleges, the short-lived benefits of air conditioning usually aren’t worth the high cost. And it’s students — not taxpayers — who apparently pay the bill. MSU-Moorhead spokesman David Wahlberg said that unlike academic Read more →
How common are two-year-college dorms in MN and the U.S.?
In January 2011 I posted a mother’s research into which two-year colleges in Minnesota (and elsewhere in the Midwest) that have dormitories. It was an attempt to get college experience for her son that was similar to that of a four-year campus. It sounded like dorms were pretty rare at two-year institutions. But this map Read more →
How much the U and Mayo are losing because of sequestration
Gary Balas, a professor of aeronautical engineering at the University of Minnesota, tells MPR’s Brett Neely what effect sequestration-related budget cuts are having on researchers’ work: “You end up spending much more of your time chasing money and less time doing the research.” The U says it’ll lose more than 5 percent of its research Read more →
Student loan forgiveness plans underused Richard Cordray, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, hopes that increased awareness of these plans will encourage more students into pursuing careers as teachers or nurses — just two of the public service jobs facing a huge shortfall in qualified workers in the next decade. (MoneyWatch) Go to game or watch Read more →
What are Minnesota private colleges doing about the heat?
In light of the heat hitting students at MSU-Moorhead, I asked officials at some other colleges about their situations. Sounds like hot dorm rooms are pretty common. It’s expensive to put air conditioning into old buildings, campus officials say, and the heat doesn’t last long enough to make it worth the cost. Carleton College spokesman Read more →
How MSU-Moorhead students are dealing with the heat
I’ve been trying to find out how students are comping at Minnesota State University – Moorhead ever since professor Elizabeth Kirchoff told me how her students have been suffering in dorm rooms that lack air-conditioning. So I contacted one of her students, senior education major Matthias Valan, and asked him to take a look around Read more →
St. Cloud State Huskies set world howling record
Well, this is one way for the St. Cloud State University Huskies to show some school spirit. Campus officials sent out this announcement:   St. Cloud State University has entered the Guinness World Records for the most people howling. The official record states that the Department of Campus Involvement at St. Cloud State University is Read more →
Academy Fight Song Virtually every aspect of the higher-ed dream has been colonized by monopolies, cartels, and other unrestrained predators—that the charmingly naive American student is in fact a cash cow, and everyone has got a scheme for slicing off a porterhouse or two. (The Baffler) Washington Monthly’s college rankings echo pieces of the Obama higher Read more →
MSU-Moorhead prof: Students’ dorms have no air conditioning in this heat
  I knew it was too early for school. I’ve just spoken with Elizabeth Kirchoff, an English professor at Minnesota State University – Moorhead. Students in a couple of her classes have been complaining “relentlessly” that their dorm rooms have no air conditioning, and that sleeping conditions are just unbearable. They told her that fans Read more →