On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Bloat, game amenities and the $30 million football title

Student loan forgiveness plans underused Richard Cordray, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, hopes that increased awareness of these plans will encourage more students into pursuing careers as teachers or nurses -- just two of the public service jobs facing a huge shortfall in qualified workers in the next decade. (MoneyWatch)

Go to game or watch on TV? Schools add amenities for fans While average per-game attendance at college games has declined only slightly over the past four years, schools are taking it as a cue to improve the 'game experience' so fans don't choose TV instead. (USA Today)

Right-sizing the bloated ivory tower Federal dollars have insulated incumbent faculties and administrations from market forces, leaving them ill-prepared for a new reality marked by slow growth in family income, tighter state and federal budgets, and rapid technological change. (The Washington Post via Star Tribune)

University Tries to Nip Professors’ Union in the Bud A cautionary letter–and the rumored retention of a notorious union-buster–show Northeastern is nervous about adjunct faculty organizing. (In These Times)

What does a college football national title cost? At least $30 million For the second straight year, the biggest spender in college football also took home a BCS national title. (Memphis Business Journal via University Business)