On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Road warriors, IPEDS and living in a van

Academy Fight Song Virtually every aspect of the higher-ed dream has been colonized by monopolies, cartels, and other unrestrained predators—that the charmingly naive American student is in fact a cash cow, and everyone has got a scheme for slicing off a porterhouse or two. (The Baffler)

Washington Monthly’s college rankings echo pieces of the Obama higher education plan President Obama said last week he wants to rate colleges on value and performance. The Washington Monthly, an independent magazine for policy wonks, released annual rankings Monday that attempt to do just that. (The Washington Post)

Duke alum writes book about living in van during grad school For the entirety of his graduate school experience at Duke University, Ken Ilgunas lived in a 1994 Ford Econoline van he bought for $1,500. (USA Today)

College admissions ‘road warriors’ offer advice for travel season The start of the academic year marks the beginning of “travel season” for admissions recruiters, who are mostly low-paid, recent college graduates in their 20s. They spend months on the road, living in hotels off the interstate and driving from high school to high school. (The Washington Post)

Redesigning IPEDS: Where we stand The nation’s main higher education database is about to get a makeover. In general, that’s a good thing, but there are some concerns with a few of the proposals being floated in regards to community colleges. (Community College Times)