On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Drug testing, European interns and those dudes in the department

Student-Loan Straitjacket Filing for Bankruptcy Usually Ends Up Increasing School-Debt Balances (The Wall Street Journal)

Don’t be that dude: Handy tips for the male academic There are a lot of guys out there that are supportive, but don’t realize that many of their everyday actions (big and small) perpetuate inequality. (Tenure, She Wrote)

European Interns Resist Working Free A backlash against unpaid internships in the United States, manifested in a spate of lawsuits this year, is spreading to Europe. (The New York Times)

For colleges, does drug testing really prevent drug use? As administrators look for solutions, experts and students weigh in on the effectiveness of drug testing in the higher education system. (USA Today)

Latin America becoming fertile ground for online university courses Lost in the debate about online learning is its impact in far-flung regions of the globe, places like the electrical engineering department at the University of El Salvador. (McClatchy News Service via University Business)