On Campus Blog

I wanted to lay some groundwork showing how the University of Minnesota’s conflict-of-interest policy has stood compared to others — before getting an idea of where it’s going. So I consulted the American Medical Student Association’s scorecard to get an idea. It’s not great. The U’s policy scored a D in 2008. The association, however, bumped the U’s provisional grade to a C based on a draft of…
Summary of the U's conflict-of-interest policy
jglazer75 via Wikimedia Commons U of M Medical Center The University of Minnesota has finally released its ethics policy over conflicts of interest that may occur when its medical faculty and staff are involved with businesses that have a connection to their university work. It’s been about three years in the making, and is apparently stricter than the…
The economic crisis caused the value of U of M’s endowment to drop 24.2% between 2008 and 2009 — the second biggest loss among Big Ten schools, according to this piece in The Minnesota Daily. The biggest loser in the Big 10 was Northwestern, whose endowment dropped 24.8%. Couldda-been-worse tidbit: While the University of Minnesota lost more than…
The feds have put up the video on their investigation into for-profit colleges, along with a transcript. A quick sample: Example 4: Financial Aid Counselors Assisted Students in Committing Fraud Clip 1: Financial Aid Counselor tells student with $250,000 in the bank that he should not report that money on his FAFSA, counter to Department…
Web cartoon nails it
Randall Munroe/xkcd A Web designer’s nightmare My thanks to Professor Bill Gleason of The Periodic Table for pointing out that Monday’s comic — which pokes fun at useless college Web sites — is causing a stir in academic circles. Education journalists have groaned about this privately for years. The article nails this part: The xkcd cartoon was particularly apt…
Looks like the government-crackdown-on-for-profit-colleges story is heating up with this investigation by the GAO. Here’s the link to the GAO site, where you can find the full report. The page is supposed to have a video clips of undercover ops and voicemail messages from the college recruiters, but they don’t appear to be up yet.
Lest we forget that layoffs aren’t the only way to shed staff, 41 faculty members have accepted early retirement incentives from campuses in the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, according to today’s figures.  System officials say the numbers would include tenured and non-tenured faculty, but a breakdown of that wasn’t available at the time of…
These layoffs are rare
MPR/Tim Post Professors are bracing themselves Yesterday Tim Post reported that Mankato State is giving layoff notices to a dozen faculty members, a third of whom are tenured. A third tenured — that’s rare. For tenured professors to lose their jobs is a sign of a severe financial situation, say university and faculty representatives. “The universities haven’t…
Just four Minnesota liberal arts colleges made this year’s Princeton Review annual college rankings — Carleton, St. Olaf, Gustavus Adolphus and Macalester.   Most achievements were in the lifestyle department, with the exception of Carleton’s “Professors Get High Marks” and Mac’s “Most Popular Study Abroad Programs.”   Alas, the almighty U didn’t place.    …