On Campus Blog

Should Bethel be responsible for who's under its roof?
Matthew McDermott via Wikimedia Commons Welcome at Bethel? Academic and environmental blogs have been aflame over the recent nastiness of the dispute between climate skeptic Christopher Monckton and St. Thomas University professor John Abraham. Amid all the hubbub over Monckton’s outlandish behavior and the debate over who has the science right, something strikes me as odd: Here we have a minor celebrity…
Just learned from colleague Tim Post that the last of a dozen Minnesota State University faculty members in Mankato has received a layoff notice.   A third of them are tenured.   University officials say the layoffs are needed in the face of state-funding cuts that will probably leave the school with a $6 million to $10 million budget shortfall in fiscal…
Randall Munroe/xkcd And that’s just to check whether it’s a school, college or university   Great piece to start your week. To find the author and his other work, go here.
Word of the Day: Verbigeration
OK, I had an idea of what this $25 word meant when U of M professor Eva von Dassow used it in her speech to regents last month, but I just had to look it up. verbigeration: n. the constant or obsessive repetition of meaningless words or phrases, as in mental illness. Example: All of the…
Watching U officials get lectured
A YouTube video that’s blazing its way through the academic community is a 3-minute speech last month to regents by U of M professor Eva von Dassow, who rails about what she sees as the U’s calculated starving of the liberal arts. Von Dassow, who teaches classics and Near Eastern studies, argues that the university’s leaders are overstating…
MPR’s Tim Post looks at how officials are figuring out what to pay the future chiefs of both the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system (MnSCU). What each man gets so far: University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks ranks as one of the highest-paid public college presidents in the U.S. His…
How St. Olaf lost a potential student
Calebrw via Wikimedia Commons You can’t please everyone Here’s a blog post I stumbled upon by a parent who just recently finished a campus tour of St. Olaf. I’m always curious what they and their children think of campuses. In this case, they didn’t think much of what they saw: an overly frank tour guide; a…
The Underground Railroad for college
PerfesserC via Wikimedia Commons A Navigate scholarship pays for Denise’s tuition at MCTC   To get a deeper view of the struggle that illegal immigrants have in getting an education, check out this piece by MPR’s Sasha Aslanian on a student group that helps illegal immigrants get into college and find ways to pay for it.…
I recently mentioned an article about how students are having a hard time articulating to potential employers what they got out of their studies abroad. The Chronicle of Higher Education’s 7 Signs of Successful Study Abroad Programs mentions something the University of Minnesota does that I think might help that. In short, it connects its overseas…
Gopher tix not so hot with students
Randy Stern via Wikimedia Commons Students aren’t biting like they did last year Those ingrates! After the university and state of Minnesota cough up around $290 million to build the Gophers a new stadium, the Minnesota Daily reports that students are slow to buy tickets this season. Sales are down by about 15 percent compared…