On Campus Blog

Princeton's MN Picks: Carleton, St. Olaf, Gustavus and Mac

Just four Minnesota liberal arts colleges made this year's Princeton Review annual college rankings -- Carleton, St. Olaf, Gustavus Adolphus and Macalester.

Most achievements were in the lifestyle department, with the exception of Carleton's "Professors Get High Marks" and Mac's "Most Popular Study Abroad Programs."

Alas, the almighty U didn't place.

All of the rankings and explanations are available on the Princeton Review's Web site (registration may be required) as well as its book, "The Best 373 Colleges -- 2011 Edition." 

The rankings have been criticized as being unscientific -- they're based on surveys given to 122,000 students at 373 colleges -- but they're still fun watercooler fodder.