On Campus Blog

Vice President for Finance Douglas P. Anderson of Hamline University has answered the question by MPR’s Tim Post of why Hamline made the feds’ list of colleges that received failing financial health grades. Anderson said in an e-mailed statement that the university “remains financially healthy.” The data is based on the 2008-2009 fiscal year, he said, and…
Emmer adds little to already quiet candidate group
MPR Photo/Elliot deBruyn I wonder what he’s thinking Just great. Taking politics completely out of this, I am now stuck having to cover the three gubernatorial candidates who have said the least about higher education this campaign, at least judging from the gaping holes in their Web sites. Just before the primary I talked to…
Stannered via Wikimedia commons A dip or longer decline? The Chronicle of Higher Education has looked at U.S. Dept. of Education data showing that six Minnesota nonprofit colleges are among 150 across the country have failed the department’s test of financial strength. More than a third of the 150 are in the Midwest. No, it…
Cop as profit center: U of M police officer David St. Cyr has generated half a million dollars in five years — just by ticketing drivers who park illegally in spaces for the handicapped. And I thought the lyrics were the problem: Background music — whether you like the style or not — impairs studying. Hey,…
Sallie Mae Where the money for college comes from When the annual Sallie Mae “How America Pays for College” survey was released this week, it targeted the most crucial element in American higher education today: how much it costs and how to pay for it. College financing influences everything — what colleges students attend, what they study, how…
Another take on the U's med-ethics policy
Not a world-class policy? A bit after posting on some early reaction to the U’s new policy on conflicts of interest involving its medical school, I got this from U Professor Bill Gleason, who told me early on he didn’t think the U’s conflict-of-interest policy had any real bite. He talks briefly to Pharmalot, which goes…
The most expensive college textbooks
Necessary Evil via Wikipedia And you thought your books were spendy   A while back I posted something on why textbooks are so expensive. But before you start griping about how this fall’s reading list will empty your pockets, check out CBS Moneywatch’s list of the 12 most expensive college textbooks in America. Acta Philosophorum The…
Notes in the Margins: a news roundup
Dude, it’s in my blood: A new poll shows that college grads drink more than any other section of society. Helping nail Toyota:Students in the U’s Innocence Project got material that helped free imprisoned driver Koua Fong Lee. Bring it down: The U razed Music Education and Tandem Accelerator buildings to cut costs and save space. Just…
I’ve been referred to this piece in MedCity News, which discusses the Association of University Research Parks’ decision to meet next month at the U’s Med school — a decision that bodes well for plans for the $750 million Minnesota Science Park next to the U. An article snippet that startled me: Of the top…
AlexiusHoratius via Wikimedia Commons Better ethics — but with wiggle room Last week when the University of Minnesota released the revised conflict-of-interest policy for its medical staff, I wrote a summary of it and looked at some criticisms of the old policy. It’s still a bit early to get a full evaluation of the changes, and…