On Campus Blog

Emmer adds little to already quiet candidate group

MPR Photo/Elliot deBruyn

I wonder what he's thinking

Just great.

Taking politics completely out of this, I am now stuck having to cover the three gubernatorial candidates who have said the least about higher education this campaign, at least judging from the gaping holes in their Web sites.

Just before the primary I talked to Hamline's David Schultz about the lack of higher-ed proposals among the DFL and Independence Party. They've had nothing to say about how to deal with the program cuts, layoffs or choice of leaders for the University of Minnesota and Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System.

Victors in the primary were the DFL's Mark Dayton and the Independence Party's Tom Horner. Dayton said on his site only that he'd "work to cut back tuition increases at our state colleges and universities," and Horner had basically nothing on his site.

Now I come to Republican Tom Emmer. He also has nothing on his site about higher ed. Like the others, It's all K-12. (If you find something, please tell me.)

Of course, there's more out there. I just wanted to start with the basics. Now it's time to dig into other sources.