On Campus Blog

University of Minnesota Professor Bill Gleason says in a Strib column that it’s been hard even for him to find out what portion of a student’s education is covered by tuition. We need to identify the true cost of education so that we can, by subtraction, identify what are not educational costs and cut them…
Some MN colleges demanding you apply earlier
PerfesserC via Wikimedia Commons Don’t just drop in In case you missed it, check out Tim Post’s piece on earlier college application deadlines. In essence: At a few Twin Cities colleges — Normandale, Minneapolis Community & Technical College, Century and Pine Technical — the days are over when students could apply for classes the same day they…
Once again, the guests: Chuck Denny: Former head of ADC Communications and veteran on many university search committees for college executives. Jan Greenwood: Greenwood/Asher and Associates, executive search firm. Former college president and veteran of over 1,000 searches. Mike McPherson: Economist and former president of Macalester College in St. Paul, and currently President of the Spencer…
Our Midmorning program is offering a talk on getting good leaders in higher education — a big topic considering that the University of Minnesota and Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system are looking for new chiefs. Here are the guests: Chuck Denny: Former head of ADC Communications and veteran on many university search committees for college…
Hard times at the U: Forbes talks about cuts, cuts, cuts at America’s biggest universities. It notes a Moody’s Investors Service report showing that universities now get just 30 percent of their operating revenue from the state — compared to 50 percent just 20 years ago. Minnesota, however, is not among those hardest hit. But don’t laugh,…
Carleton tops Forbes college rankings in MN
  Calebrw via Wikimedia Commons Checkin’ out those stellar rankings Summer means more rankings, so here’s this year’s installation of Forbes magazine’s annual list of Best Colleges in America. Take this all with a grain of salt, of course. One can debate the soundness of the methodology. The kicker for me is the volatility of the results. What…
Wadena: The kids are movin' in
MPR Photo/Ambar Espinoza Totaled: Wadena-Deer Creek High School Make room, M State. The high schoolers are coming over. They’ve had no place to go ever since a June tornado totaled Wadena-Deer Creek High School, so officials at Minnesota State Community and Technical College in Wadena have offered to lease them some space until they get their own.…
Decline of reading: One University of Minnesota student’s lament about how little she reads anymore when she’s not working. Check out the parts about the Internet and pressure to write. She may be on to something. No, I’m not a professor emeritus: Retirees are checking out college classes as the new leisure activity. Facebook isn’t the problem:…
In case you haven’t checked out other parts of the MPR site, here are a couple of higher-education pieces done by other staffers. In her State of the Arts blog, Marianne Combs writes about the University of Minnesota’s new Master of Professional Studies in Arts and Cultural Leadership for those who’ve already been working in the…
Crossroads has it tough, Mayo says grading is off
  Knowledge Seeker via Wikimedia It says its school doesn’t belong on the list Here’s what MPR’s Tim Post got from officials at Crossroad College and the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine regarding their inclusion on a federal list of financially fragile colleges: Crossroads: President Michael Kilgallin admits times are tough: “The college has been…