On Campus Blog

MPR’s Stephanie Hemphill says she talked to John Himle of Himle Horner, the public relations firm that has represented farming interests — interests that could see the U of M film “Troubled Waters” as being critical. Remember that he is married to the Karen Himle, vice president of university relations, the office that determined the…
Emmer: Have it rough and you'll get creative
Earlier I posted a summary of comments made by Republican candidate for governor Tom Emmer when he was talking about higher education yesterday during a question-and-answer session at the Humphrey Institute. Here are some edited snippets (not verbatim) that didn’t make the Capitol View report. (I was hoping for an explanation/justification/strategy behind his plan to…
Here’s an e-mail sent out to several news outlets that appears to contain the same information as that in the sidebar update of the Twin Cities Daily Planet story on the U’s pulling of the Troubled Waters film. Update: The information does come from the Daily Planet story. Is there fire to the smoke in…
Here’s a statement that MPR reporter Stephanie Hemphill has received from the U’s spokesman. He does NOT address, as Hemphill requested, the question of a connection between Karen Himle, head of University Relations, and current/former ag clients of her husband’s. From: Daniel Wolter [mailto:wolter@umn.edu] Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 4:07 PM To: Hemphill, Stephanie Subject:…
For an update on the story of the U’s mysterious pulling of the “Troubled Waters” film, read Bob Collins’ News Cut blog, which reports: Now, according to reporter Molly Priesmeyer, there’s another angle that’s surfaced on the “isn’t it a coincidence?” list: The U’s vice president of university relations is married to the owner of…
MPR’s Capitol View political blog reports Republican gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer’s Humphrey Institute comments on higher education finance: When a student question asked “How would you assist students so they don’t graduate from college with $50,000 in debt?”, Emmer responded that he understood the frustration since he did the math with seven kids but … “I’m…
Tim Post reported this week that the University of Minnesota is considering increasing the cost of credits for those who don’t graduate in the standard four years. University officials haven’t yet discussed the potential size of the tuition increase, and the idea is only in the early stages of discussion. But it’s apparently part of…
Online Forum Takes Notes on Note Taking A Web site set up by a scholarly network is exploring how notes are created and used in contemporary life. (chronicle.com) LGBT Students Harassed At Colleges Nationwide, New Report Says A recent report from advocacy group Campus Pride found that many lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender individuals feel…
What corporations look for in a university
The Wall Street Journal has come out with its list of Top 25 Recruiters’ Picks for colleges, as part of its large “Paths to Professions” feature. By surveying corporate recruiters, it tried to find those schools most likely to land students jobs in solid professions that traditionally pay well and offer a bright future. Although…