On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: LGBT, coaches' salaries, police and Troubled Waters

Online Forum Takes Notes on Note Taking A Web site set up by a scholarly network is exploring how notes are created and used in contemporary life. (chronicle.com)

LGBT Students Harassed At Colleges Nationwide, New Report Says A recent report from advocacy group Campus Pride found that many lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender individuals feel uncomfortable on campus. Approximately 25 percent of lesbian, gay and bisexual students and university employees have been harassed due to their sexual orientation, as well as a third of those who identify as transgender, according to the study. (Huffington Post)

More students on waiting lists at community colleges Growing enrollment — in many cases continuing year after year — is testing many community colleges nationally. (USA Today)

Concerned about rising tuition? Look at the coaches’ salaries It’s long been noted that top-paid basketball and football head coaches make $4 million to $5 million a year, while salaries for assistant coaches have hit the $1 million mark. Those sports happen to bring in revenue in ticket sales and contributions from loyal alumni. But salary inflation extends well beyond the packed stadiums and into the distant playing fields of lower-profile sports. (Boston Globe)

Service Makes Sure No One Forgets At Michigan St. In the old days, college students had to carry around a day planner to keep track of their homework deadlines and quiz schedules. But a new free service for Michigan State University students offers text messages and e-mail reminders about upcoming assignments and exams. (universitybusiness.com)

University provides funding for MPD stadium reinforcement The University of Minnesota is paying Minneapolis police to provide extra coverage for the second consecutive year. The funding this year, $74,000, is approximately a quarter less than last year due to budget cuts. Minneapolis officers will help University police deal with "party houses" Friday and Saturday nights and beef up security for the stadium. (mndaily.com)

Who pulled the plug on University of Minnesota's "Troubled Waters?" A U spokesman says the release was postponed "to allow time for a review of the film's scientific content." But insiders believe someone is putting pressure on the University to pull the film--and no one within the University has a convincing story about who was responsible for pulling the film for "scientific review." (tcdailyplanet.net)