On Campus Blog

Learn what The Other Hangover is
I’m no expert, but I’ve seen a number of drinking-awareness campaigns in my day, and they’ve all focused on binging’s extreme consequences: DUI fatalities, alcoholism and pregnancy, to name just a few. The one going around campus at the University of Minnesota right now seems different, perhaps because it’s the work of students. Instead of…
In case you missed it, in his blog News Cut, MPR’s Bob Collins presents his latest take on the U’s “Troubled Waters” flap. The U’s official line has been that it yanked the environmental film to review it for scientific accuracy. But Collins says that the assertion by the dean of the U’s ag department…
Trying to revive policy debate at Mac Some students and alumni lamented what they saw as the destruction of the college’s 100-year debating tradition after the administration effectively eliminated the subsection on policy debate. Now some students are forming a policy debate club and looking for financial backers in the hope of getting back into…
Today’s story by Twin Cities Daily Planet reporter Molly Priesmeyer takes a poke at the University’s statement that officials there pulled the environmental film “Troubled Waters” to review whether it “meets the specifications of the legislative appropriation to the University.” An official from one of the funding organizations told her, in effect: That’s not the…
MPR’s Stephanie Hemphill has an update on the University of Minnesota’s yanking of the “Troubled Waters” environmental documentary: The Dean of the University of Minnesota School of Agriculture says the premiere of a film about pollution in the Mississippi River was postponed because it “vilifies agriculture.” … Dean Al Levine said the film opens with…
Rep. Kline asks feds to ease up on for-profits, takes for-profit money, asks again
While he was asking the U.S. Department of Education to ease up on proposed regulations that would affect the for-profit college industry, Minnesota Republican Congressman John Kline accepted $4,500 in campaign contributions from sources related to the industry, according to data included in a report by the investigative reporting Web site ProPublica. Kline, the ranking Republican on…
Here are the main points in the following statement by Susan Weller, director of the University of Minnesota’s Bell Museum of Natural History. She’s commenting on the flap behind the mysterious pulling of the environmental documentary “Troubled Waters”: No outside interests, as erroneously reported by some news sources, have been involved in this internal decision-making process.…
Friedman to replace Cerra as dean of U of Minnesota Medical School
Below is the letter from President Robert Bruininks, sent out today. Here’s the crux: It is my pleasure to announce to you that I have asked Dr. Aaron Friedman to become Vice President for Health Sciences and Dean of the Medical School (Vice President and Dean) for a term, effective January 3, 2011, and that…
Everything is Permuted via Flickr Bring it on, Tommies Here’s University of St. Thomas senior Paul Milner, who was a resident of Cretin Hall last year, commenting on his experience with mice there: “My personal favorite was the one that died under the radiator,” said Milner.  “It smelled like it was cooking over the next…
Best college course in the nation? Playboy magazine says it’s at Oregon State The magazine has dubbed an insect course the nation’s best college class of 2010 because it combines humor with learning. (Oregon Live) Schools Consider The Value Of Individualized Study More and more institutions are turning toward individualized majors as a different way…