On Campus Blog

Video: Northfield sandbagging vs. flood
In case you haven’t seen much flood footage, here’s a video of Northfield’s sandbagging efforts from this past weekend. As one guy in the video puts it: Does this not beat studying, or what?! Found it on http://www.joannao.blogspot.com/
Editorial: Don’t retreat from worker retraining Taken together, 70 percent of the new and replacement jobs forecast to open in the next decade will require some post-high school education. That’s a stunning change since the 1970s, when only 28 percent of jobs required some college study. Job training is central to the mission of the…
I’ll be covering University of Minnesota President Robert Bruinink’s evening forum on higher education here at MPR, so I’ll be starting my day in the early afternoon. Look for my link roundup and other posts starting around 2-:2:30. Hope to see you at the forum.
Carleton College flooding update
    Here’s an update to Friday’s post on the damage, evacuations and driving disruptions that Carleton College has suffered because of flooding. It’s a copy of a memo that the Carleton administration has sent to the school. Stuff in bold is mine: ——– Original Message ——– Subject: [Staff-all] Update on Flood Damage and Current…
      Drivers to Carleton College aren’t the only ones affected by flooding. Gustavus Adolphus College and its newspaper, The Gustavian Weekly, both have advisories on how people get around the flooding to campus. “One of the big problems is that you can’t get across the Minnesota River for quite a ways,” said Tom…
Here are some of the questions that members of MPR’s Public Insight Network have submitted to us for consideration in tomorrow evening’s discussion with University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks, as part of our Bright Ideas series. Some have been edited for length: With the increases in tuition costs and the scarcity of financial aid…
U-Minn prez talks higher-ed at MPR tomorrow
For those of you who haven’t heard, MPR’s Stephen Smith will host a discussion tomorrow (Tuesday) with University of Minnesota President Bob Bruininks on the future of American higher education. It’s 7-8:30 p.m and is free. Please join us! Here’s the info from the sign-up page: President Obama has said “America cannot lead in the…
First and foremost, never wear your ID around your neck. Ever. People that choose to wear their IDs in this fashion are immediately pegged as first years and will be mocked incessantly by upperclassmen. — Senior Karen Hopper, a music and political science major, in the Manitou Messenger, St. Olaf’s student newspaper. It’s one of…
How land-grants have neglected mission
University of Minnesota gadfly professor Bill Gleason had a piece in the Chronicle of Higher Education yesterday about how he thinks the U is neglecting its mission as a land-grant university by trying to become a premier research institution. The mission of a land-grant institution “is to concentrate on the teaching of agriculture, science, and…
“People aren’t finding a discreet corner. They’re peeing in people’s  yards and on their property, and not stopping when neighbors ask them  to. Peeing on someone’s house?  Come on.  That’s above  and beyond inappropriate behavior.” — Macalester College Dean of Students Jim Hoppe on a recent increase in neighborhood complaints of student partying. He said…