On Campus Blog

I’m at a meeting of the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources. They’re now taking a lunch break to watch Troubled Waters: A Mississippi River Story, the river pollution documentary that the University of Minnesota pulled and later allowed to be shown. I’ve taken notes. So far, the commission’s co-chair, state Rep. Jean Wagenius (DFL), told U…
Why Winona State's diversity is higher than average
In a review of the local public sector’s hiring rate for minorities, the Winona Daily News found that one employer — Winona State University — exceeded diversity levels compared to U.S. Census data. Around the last quarter of the article, under the subtitle The Exception, the paper reported that 5.3 percent of the employees and…
Obama Dismisses Need For College Amenities On Monday President Obama reviewed some familiar policies his administration has offered to make higher education more affordable: changing the structure of federal student loans, tripling investment in college tax credits and increasing Pell Grant awards. But he raised a new objection to another culprit of high tuition costs:…
What Bruininks thinks about the future of higher ed
Here are some excerpts from University of Minnesota President Bob Bruininks’ talk tonight on MPR’s Bright Ideas program. These are just rough notes — not verbatim quotes – and have not been double-checked with the audio record. On factors behind the rise in tuition at the University of Minnesota and how it has outstripped inflation:…
The following excerpt from a piece in the Minnesota Daily might clear up the two accounts by Bruininks and Weller: Himle received the film from Martin Moen, communications director at the Bell Museum. Because of the controversial nature of the film, public relations officers from related colleges and from University Relations came together to plan…
After reading University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks’ take today on what happened in the Troubled Waters’ flap, I noticed that it doesn’t seem to mesh with what Bell Museum Director Susan Weller told us. The main question: Who originally pulled the plug on the Twin Cities Public Television airing of Troubled Waters? Here’s Bruininks:…
A statement from U of M President Robert Bruininks regarding the “Troubled Waters” documentary. MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (09/28/2010) —The following is a statement from University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks regarding the Bell Museum documentary, “Troubled Waters”: “I have been traveling abroad for the past week, but was aware of the concerns about the…
U-Minn's National Research Council assessment
This is not your usual popular-media college ranking. So those looking for a quick guide to graduate programs can move along. Today, the National Research Council released its assessment of U.S. doctoral programs covering more than 5,000 programs in 62 fields at 212 universities nationwide. It’s supposed to help universities evaluate and improve the quality…
The University of Minnesota has taken another step toward opening an outpatient health center near the corner of Huron Boulevard and Fulton Street, Pioneer Press reporter Doug Belden reports. At five stories and 400,000 square feet, the facility would house a surgery center as well as specialty clinics and related services, Belden writes. It’s supposed…
Dr. Carl Elliott, a professor of bioethics and pediatrics at the University of Minnesota and author of the book White Coat, Black Hat: Adventures on the Dark Side of Medicine dicusses conflict of interest in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries with MedCity News. Here’s an excerpt. Read the rest of the interview here. Q. Your book focuses…