On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: E-mentoring, Mac's capacity and the MRS degree

Editorial: Don't retreat from worker retraining Taken together, 70 percent of the new and replacement jobs forecast to open in the next decade will require some post-high school education. That's a stunning change since the 1970s, when only 28 percent of jobs required some college study. Job training is central to the mission of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. (Minneapolis Star Tribune)

To Ban or Not? Gossip Web Sites Still Pose Troubling Questions for Colleges A site called CollegeACB has reportedly seen a huge increase in use since its predecessor JuicyCampus shut down, and colleges are noticing. At least two have blocked the site from their campus networks. (chronicle.com)

Anya Kamenetz: E-Mentoring: Someone (Virtually) by Your Side Probably the most common objection to the DIY U vision is the supposed lack of personal connection when people are learning online. Having a mentor and advisor is key. Yet it's a mistake to assume this can't be done online. (Huffington Post)

How College Heath Insurance Is Failing Students One major player was notably absent from these new federal insurance changes: colleges. They have managed to sidestep, at least for now, the regulatory clampdown that has sent hospitals, insurers and corporations scrambling. (Huffington Post)

Large freshman class raises questions of Mac's capacity A report issued last year by Macalester's Resources and Planning Committee explored the challenges that an expanded student body could pose to Macalester as an institution, namely a change in atmosphere, a need for more professors, and a need for more student housing. (media.www.themacweekly.com)

In praise of dead white men Efforts to make education more "relevant" to black people can be both patronising and harmful. The Western literary canon should be taught to everyone (prospectmagazine.co.uk)

Husband-Hunting in College: Getting Your MRS Degree Are we really just joking around about finding a husband in college, or is that really something that we’re looking for deep down, and is there anything wrong with that? (hercampus.com)

New governor must invest in college aid | MinnPost Educated people earn more on average over their careers, pay more in taxes based on their higher incomes. (MinnPost.com)

Rummaging the Bargain Bin for a Premier Public Education A longtime handicapper of colleges identifies those public universities that "combine superb academic programs with low cost." (Relatively speaking.) (thechoice.blogs.nytimes.com)

Parenting, Part II: First weeks can be tough for college kids Some students drop out early in their freshman year, but parents can help. (USA Today)

Provost derides fees bias coaching In an e-mail sent to all the students on the University of Minnesota College Republicans listserv, Bill Gilles highlights ways conservative students can get on the committee and “remove a $1 million advantage liberals have over conservatives in fees funding.” (mndaily.com)

Assault reported at second frat A female University of Minnesota student was the victim of an alleged sexual assault Sunday morning at the Chi Psi fraternity house at 1515 University Avenue Southeast. (mndaily.com)

Protests arise nationwide over FBI raids The two sides of Washington Avenue South in front of the Minneapolis FBI headquarters were in stark contrast Monday evening. On one sidewalk stood a group of about 200 chanting protestors denouncing a string of FBI raids and grand jury subpoenas, including three against University of Minnesota employees and one against a former student.  (mndaily.com)