On Campus Blog

Loans, law firms and Brazilian for-profits

A growing path to medical school Nearly one-half of all U.S. undergraduates attend community college at some point in their education. Increasingly, medical school applicants are reflective of this national trend. (Community College Daily)

New rules planned for colleges to track dating violence, domestic violence and stalking Proposed regulations will require colleges to compile and disclose statistics on such incidents to comply with a federal law enacted last year. A final version of the regulations is expected to be published on Nov. 1. (The Washington Post)

This Is Part of the Reason Federal Student Loans Are a Mess They’re really expensive to administer. (Washington Monthly)

Big Law Firms Resume Hiring Odds Improve for New Graduates, Though Levels Remain Soft (The Wall Street Journal)

As Demand for Education Rises in Brazil, For-Profit Colleges Fill the Gap From 2002 to 2012, the number of students attending college in Brazil doubled to seven million. Still, with only 17 percent of Brazilians aged 18 to 24 in college, there is a gap that needs to be served. The government has pledged to raise that percentage to 33 percent by 2020. (The New York Times)