Education News

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I’ve worked on some radio spots for MPR on the new financial reporting tool being touted by the federal by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, so I’ll be putting out some coverage tomorrow morning. (My original understanding was about right, though.) Here’s the write-up by the Associated Press: The true cost of college may soon…
Carol Stack is a higher education consultant with the firm Hardwick-Day. Host Stephen Smith talks to her about how to get a good college education and afford it, too.
I’m here at the University of Minnesota to hear about a new tool coming out by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the agency created by last year’s Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. From what I’ve heard from speaking to several folks is that it’s a “financial aid shopping sheet.” In other words,…
West Summit Neighborhood Advisory Committee Co-chair Scott Banas explains the committee’s concern over whether the University of St. Thomas’ St. Paul campus should be able to sell alcohol outside as part of a proposed permanent liquor license: “We think it sets a bad (precedent). We think it is wrong for an institution of higher education to be…
How many students prefer printed paper to digital?
This graphic still intrigues me. Despite all the talk and all the articles and blog posts about e-Books, Kindle and all the digital breakthroughs, three in four students still seem to love the old paper texts. And despite the accessibility of information on the Web, two out of three students feel the way I did…
President to Ease Student-Loan Burden for Low-Income Graduates An expansion of the income-based college-loan repayment program is expected on Wednesday, lowering monthly payments and allowing some loan consolidation. (The New York Times) Student loan debt: ‘Occupy’ movement’s weakest talking point The Occupy Wall Street movement is complex and raises many legitimate issues. Student loan debt is…
The personal financial details of as many as 5,000 college students were temporarily laid bare for other students to view on the Education Department's direct loan website earlier this month, an education official testified Tuesday.