The murder of George Floyd

The killing of George Floyd, 46, of St. Louis Park — who repeatedly told a Minneapolis police officer he couldn’t breathe as the officer knelt on his neck on May 25, 2020 — sparked days of unrest in Minneapolis and St. Paul and mass protests across the globe over the treatment of Black people by police. 

Since then, lawmakers both nationally and locally have debated police reform and whether law enforcement officers must change how they do their jobs. In schools, educators and students have tackled discussions on race and equity, sometimes with controversy. And across Minnesota, community members have marched and come together in a call for change

In April 2021, former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin — who pressed his knee on Floyd’s neck for more than nine minutes — was convicted of murder and manslaughter in Floyd's death. He was sentenced to 22 1/2 years in prison.

The three other ex-cops who were involved with the arrest have been charged with two counts each of aiding and abetting in the death. Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao go on trial in June 2022.

A federal grand jury has also indicted all four on criminal civil rights charges.

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Judge rules against audio and video coverage in Floyd killing case for now
In an unusual request, an attorney representing one of the former Minneapolis police officers said broadcasting the cases to the public is crucial to ensuring a fair trial during the pandemic and in light of “inappropriate” statements from city and government officials. But a judge said such a move would risk tainting the jury pool.
Council advances plan to dismantle Minneapolis Police Dept.
The Minneapolis City Council on Friday unanimously approved a proposal to change the city charter to allow the Police Department to be dismantled, following mass public criticism of law enforcement over the killing of George Floyd.
Panel begins debate on removing statues from MN Capitol
A Christopher Columbus statue that for decades stood outside Minnesota’s Capitol is now in a state agency warehouse. Yanked down by demonstrators, the ultimate fate of the damaged statue is unclear, as is the outcome of a fresh debate over what to do about similar works on public grounds amid a historical reassessment.
NASCAR completes noose investigation; can't determine how it got into driver's garage
NASCAR President Steve Phelps acknowledged the investigation's findings prompt another question — how could the noose have gone unnoticed by so many people in October 2019 and this past Sunday morning. The noose wasn't reported to a NASCAR official until late Sunday.
Funding for key Minneapolis police initiative falls through
Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said earlier this month that his department was going to engage the services of a Chicago company that markets a data-driven early intervention system to identify problematic officers. The department was working on funding with the Minneapolis Foundation, which has now backed out.
As calls grow for police reform, officer licensing agency to audit practices
The POST board, which oversees licensing and standards for police officers in Minnesota, is embarking on a comprehensive review of its policies that may lead to changes to licensing, complaint and discipline and pre-service training.
Wisconsin governor activates National Guard after violence
Protesters also threw a Molotov cocktail into a government building and attempted to break into the Capitol, only to be repelled by pepper spray from police stationed inside. The violence broke out Tuesday night as a group of 200 to 300 people protested the arrest of a Black man who shouted at restaurant customers through a megaphone while carrying a baseball bat.
Faith-based mutual aid flourishes amid pandemic, protests
Many volunteers and organizers say their efforts are driven both by the understanding that existing welfare systems are broken, and that it’s their duty as people of faith to step in. In Minneapolis, a block away from where George Floyd was killed, volunteers have for weeks gathered at the Baha’i Center to support locals in need.