
Military police leaders weighed deploying 'heat ray' against DC protesters
Hours before federal police cleared peaceful protesters near the White House on June 1, a whistleblower got an email asking to find a device that would make protesters' skin feel like it was burning.
Minneapolis group is helping Kenosha protesters, heading to Washington next
A Minneapolis group that formed to help Minneapolis protesters in the weeks following the police killing of George Floyd drove a carload of “protest packs” to Kenosha, Wisconsin overnight.
One week after election, Belarus sees giant protests against 'Europe's last dictator'
Tens of thousands of people took to the streets in Belarus to demand change on Sunday, as incumbent President Alexander Lukashenko defended election results that international observers have decried as illegitimate.
Source: U.S., Oregon in talks about pulling agents in Portland
The Trump administration has started talks with the Oregon governor's office and indicated that it would begin to draw down the presence of federal agents sent to quell two months of chaotic protests in Portland if the state stepped up its own enforcement, a senior White House official said.
Portland protesters file suit against Trump administration over federal response
Wall of Moms, Don't Shoot Portland and others sued several federal agencies on Monday, alleging federal officers in Portland are exceeding their legal authority and violating protesters' rights.
U.S. agents use gas, flash bangs to clear Portland protesters
A night that started with a reported shooting and a bag containing loaded rifle magazines and Molotov cocktails amid a peaceful protest — morphed into an intense early morning confrontation between demonstrators and law enforcement in Oregon's largest city.
Police and protesters clash in violent weekend across the U.S.
Protests took a violent turn in several U.S. cities over the weekend, with demonstrators squaring off against federal agents outside a courthouse in Portland, Oregon, forcing police in Seattle to retreat into a station house and setting fire to vehicles in California and Virginia.
Federal agents use tear gas to clear Portland protest
Thousands of protesters gathered outside the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, into the early hours Saturday, shooting fireworks at the building as plumes of tear gas, dispensed by U.S. agents, lingered above.