
Myanmar rattled by army movements, apparent internet cutoff
Sightings of armored personnel carriers in Myanmar’s biggest city and an internet shutdown raised political tensions late Sunday, after vast numbers of people around the country flouted orders against demonstrations to protest the military’s seizure of power.
Myanmar coup: Military defends takeover and enacts curfew as protests intensify
A week after Myanmar's military seized power, it imposed restrictions in major cities to quell growing protests, as the coup's leader promised a new election in his first televised address.
Clash deepens over Chauvin trial security aid
Senate Republicans say they’re not on board with an advance fund to prepare for possible civil unrest during the trials of former Minneapolis police officers over George Floyd’s death. Instead, they’re seeking to push the cost burden to Minneapolis.
After Myanmar coup, Karen refugees in Minn. fear for homeland
Minnesota is home to one of the country's largest concentrations of the Karen, an ethnic group in Myanmar, who decades ago fled political violence and persecution. Now, they're seeing history repeat itself.
Hundreds of Myanmar lawmakers under house arrest after coup
Hundreds of members of Myanmar's Parliament were under house arrest Tuesday, confined to their government housing complex and guarded by soldiers a day after the military seized power in a coup and detained senior politicians including the country's de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
Military stages coup in Myanmar, detains Aung San Suu Kyi
Myanmar's military staged a coup Monday and detained senior politicians including Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi — a sharp reversal of the significant, if uneven, progress toward democracy the Southeast Asian nation has made following five decades of military rule.
More than 5,000 arrested at pro-Navalny protests across Russia
Chanting slogans against President Vladimir Putin, tens of thousands took to the streets Sunday across Russia to demand the release of jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny, keeping up nationwide protests that have rattled the Kremlin.
The leader of Ethiopia’s rebellious Tigray region has confirmed firing missiles at neighboring Eritrea’s capital and is threatening more, marking a huge escalation as the deadly fighting in northern Ethiopia between Tigray forces and the federal government spills across an international border.