
The government of Ivory Coast's internationally recognized leader said the country's deepening political crisis has "crossed over to a new level of horror and barbarism" after soldiers backing his rival fatally shot six female demonstrators.
Rebels push back Libya regime attack on oil port
Opponents of Moammar Gahadfi repelled an attack by the Libyan leader's forces trying to retake a key coastal oil installation in a topsy-turvy battle Wednesday.
US unsure on military options for Libya
The Obama administration is weighing its military options for Libya, conscious that it may need to flex U.S. muscle to help usher Moammar Gadhafi out of power but fearful of provoking even deadlier violence from a regime that has shown little restraint in attacking its own people.
Rough seas stranded thousands of Chinese workers hoping to be evacuated Friday from the chaos in Libya while hundreds of other foreigners including Americans were stuck aboard a ferry for a third consecutive day.
Gadhafi militia open fire on Libya protesters
Militias loyal to Moammar Gadhafi opened fire Friday on protesters streaming out of mosques and marching across the Libyan capital to demand the regime's ouster, witnesses said, reporting at least four killed. In rebellious cities in the east, tens of thousands held rallies in support of the first Tripoli protests in days.
Gadhafi forces strike back at Libya rebels
Army units and militiamen loyal to Moammar Gadhafi struck back against rebellious Libyans who have risen up in cities close to the capital Thursday.
Obama dispatches Clinton for talks on Libya
President Barack Obama on Thursday condemned the violence in Libya as "outrageous and unacceptable," and said he was dispatching Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to Geneva on Monday for international talks aimed at stopping the violence.
What should be done about Colonel Gadhafi?
The BBC's "World Have Your Say" talks to people on the ground in Libya about the clashes between anti-government forces and Colonel Muammar Gadhafi's forces. There is also a discussion about the 6.3-magnitude earthquake that struck New Zealand.
Unrest spreads across the Arab world
The BBC's World Have Your Say reaches out to Arabs to comment on growing unrest across the Middle East and in North Africa. A week after massive protests toppled the regime in Egypt, demonstrations have risen up in areas like Yemen, Bahrain, and Libya against their governments.