
Libyan forces intensify shelling of rebels in east
Moammar Gadhafi's forces intensified the shelling of rebel positions outside a strategic eastern city Wednesday as they fought to prevent the opposition from taking advantage of the 5-day-old international air campaign to regroup in the east.
Pentagon: Gadhafi forces in disarray after assault
A U.S.-led coalition has succeeded in scattering and isolating Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi's forces after a weekend of punishing air attacks, Pentagon officials say, and American military authorities are moving to hand control of the operation to other countries.
Yemeni government snipers firing from rooftops and houses shot at tens of thousands of anti-government demonstrators on Friday, killing at least 31 people and injuring hundreds in the crowd demanding the ouster of the autocratic president.
Four New York Times journalists who were reported missing while covering the Libya conflict have been found, the newspaper said Friday.
Libya cease-fire aims to outflank no-fly zone
Libya declared an immediate cease-fire Friday, trying to fend off international military intervention after the U.N. authorized a no-fly zone and "all necessary measures" to prevent the regime from striking its own people.
US, allies set for quick military action in Libya
The Obama administration and America's allies have won an open-ended endorsement from the United Nations for military action in Libya, where Moammar Gadhafi's regime is pressing to eliminate any opposition to his rule. Now they'll have to move fast.
Official: 30 killed in fight for key Libyan city
Libya's opposition battled to keep Moammar Gadhafi's forces at the gateway to rebel-held territory on Thursday, hoping for help from the U.N. Security Council before his tanks and troops break through the city of Ajdabiya.
The search for Nepal's missing children
When Conor Grennan went to Nepal in 2006, he thought he was just going to volunteer in an orphanage for a couple of months. Instead, as he recounts in his book "Little Princes" he found a new calling, searching for victims of child trafficking in a war-ravaged country.
Libya rebels flee oil port under regime barrage
With fierce barrages of tank and artillery fire, Moammar Gadhafi's loyalists threw rebels into a frantic retreat from a strategic oil port Thursday, using overwhelming force in a counteroffensive that reversed the opposition's advance toward the capital Tripoli and now threatens its positions in the east.
Libyan warplanes strike rebels at oil port
Libyan warplanes launched at least five new airstrikes Tuesday near rebel positions in the oil port of Ras Lanouf, keeping up a counteroffensive to prevent the opposition from advancing toward leader Moammar Gadhafi's stronghold in the capital Tripoli.