
Doing business in Egypt: How companies react to turmoil
Jean Champagne is the Chief Operating Officer, International Group at Dairy Queen. He talks to Kerri Miller about what his Egypt business prospects look like now that the regime is in flux.
Newsmaker: View from an American in Cairo
Matt Kostakis is a New Yorker living steps away from Tahrir Square in Cairo. He talks to Midmorning about being a graduate student at American University and witness to the anti-Mubark movement.
Newsmaker: Protests continue in Egypt
Opposition groups in Egypt are continuing to call for the ouster of President Hosni Mubarek as the army tries to maintain order in the country.
"Conflict" diamonds
New questions about the human costs of the diamond trade have been raised in recent weeks. The nation of Zimbabwe held its first sale of diamonds after a 2-year ban, and "Blood diamonds" have been a prominent topic in the United Nations war crimes trial of former Liberian President Charles Taylor. Midmorning looks at the new sources of blood diamonds and whether consumers know or care about the source of their gems.
Suspects in Minn. terror case go free with conditions
When Minnesota Somalis began traveling to their war-torn homeland to take up arms nearly three years ago, authorities feared they might someday return as domestic terrorists. But recent court activity suggests at least some of the men are not as dangerous as once feared.
A novel resolves childhood memories of the Ethiopian revolution
The experience of leaving Ethiopia was so traumatic for her, author Maaza Mengiste has very clear memories of what happened. Now, in an attempt to give those memories some context, she has written a critically-acclaimed novel "Beneath the Lion's Gaze."
Civil War Kids: Young Somalis in Minnesota
Tens of thousands of Somalis escaped a brutal civil war, and now call Minnesota home. These are the stories of young Somalis confronting violence in their community, and struggling with the psychological scars that the bloodshed in their homeland left behind.
Civil War Kids: Young Somalis in Minnesota
Tens of thousands of Somalis escaped a brutal civil war, and now call Minnesota home. This is a glimpse into the stories of young Somalis confronting violence in their community, struggling with the psychological scars that the bloodshed in their homeland left behind and becoming stronger siblings, friends and leaders in the process.
Music in the midst of Sri Lanka's civil war
Minnesota and journalist Jesse Hardman got an inside view of the brutal civil war in Sri Lanka, and in the midst of the chaos he came upon an amazing story of a forgotten people.