
Tales from the Arab Spring
Midday presents a BBC documentary featuring first-hand accounts of the uprisings in the Middle East that started in Tunisia and then spread across the region to Egypt and Libya.
Live BBC coverage: street battles continue in Tripoli
Libyan rebels continue to press against forces loyal to Colonel Moammar Gadhafi, as optimism of a quick victory fades. The BBC's "World Have Your Say" program will attempt to reach people in the area to discuss the situation, as well as share reports from BBC correspondents.
Live BBC coverage: Libyan rebels sweep into Tripoli
The BBC's "World Have Your Say" continues its live coverage of the latest developments in the conflict in Libya. Rebel forces have moved into Tripoli and are enclosing in on the last of Colonel Moammar Gadhafi's forces. The BBC speaks to people in the area and its reporters on the ground.
British Prime Minister David Cameron is putting 10,000 additional police officers on the streets of London after three days of rioting in the British capital. The BBC's World Have Your Say speaks with London residents about their feelings about the riots.
Rebels retreat from Libya oil port under attack
Moammar Gadhafi's ground forces recaptured a strategic oil town Wednesday as they made new inroads in beating back a rebel advance toward the capital Tripoli.
Libyan rebels retreating after Gadhafi onslaught
Libyan government tanks and rockets have driven back rebels who attempted an assault on Moammar Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte. Opposition fighters fleeing in a panicked scramble pleaded for international airstrikes that never came.
Social media and Middle East unrest
Social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook have played critical roles in the Middle East uprisings. How are journalists using social media sites as reporting tools, and how have they shaped the revolutions in the Middle East?