Fighting disinformation: Can You Believe It?

Can You Believe It? is an initiative dedicated to uncovering how disinformation reaches consumers and providing tools to help our audience fight its spread. Are you seeing disinformation in your social media feeds? Share with us by emailing

Experts call it a 'clown show' but Arizona 'audit' is a disinformation blueprint
"It's an audit in name only," says one former election security official. "It's a threat to the overall confidence of democracy, all in pursuit of continuing a narrative that we know to be a lie."
Black Lives Matter fights disinformation to keep the movement strong
Calls for racial justice and an end to police brutality still fill social media platforms a year after George Floyd's murder. But Black Lives Matter says posts targeting it are full of disinformation.
Russian show 'Fake News' wages lone battle against the Kremlin's TV propaganda
There is almost no news alternative to government propaganda on Russian television — save for one channel known as TV Rain. It broadcasts a show called “Fake News,” which flippantly deconstructs the world according to the Kremlin.
'Full of hatred and fear': Disinformation on YouTube divides a dad and daughter
Renee Ekwoge says false and misleading videos on YouTube have changed her dad. What was once a strong, loving relationship has been corrupted, she says, by conspiratorial YouTube videos.
The most popular J&J vaccine story on Facebook? A conspiracy theorist posted it
A vast network of professional vaccine skeptics on social media have been waiting for a development like the Johnson & Johnson pause. Now experts say they will milk it for all its worth and more.
African immigrant health groups battle a transatlantic tide of vaccine disinformation
Efforts to address hesitancy among Black people in America often overlook African immigrants, who get information from friends and family back home through social media platforms such as WhatsApp.