
Former SPCO head leaves behind a stronger orchestra
The SPCO celebrates its 50th anniversary this fall. Longtime president Bruce Coppock reflects on how the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra remade itself in the face of challenges that have threatened bigger orchestras.
New Classical Tracks: 'Bad boy violinist  discovers the joy of  Mozart
Throughout his career, Nigel Kennedy has been both a mainstay and a rebel within the world of classical music. His new disc includes the Beethoven concerto, a Mozart concerto, and a very unconventional cadenza.
Songs from Scratch, Vol. 2
You know a good song when you hear it. What you probably don't know is what went into creating that song. To find out what transforms a vague idea into a full-fledged tune, Songs from Scratch recruited Twin Cities musicians to pull back the curtain on their songwriting process.
Songs from Scratch Vol. 2:  Rules and FAQ
Show off your own songwriting skills as part of Songs from Scratch. Record yourself, your friends and family, or your band's version of your song inspired by MPR's Songs from Scratch Vol. 2 project. Then upload your audio or video for others to see.
Herzog's 'Encounters at the End of the World'
Prolific film maker Werner Herzog's new movie opens in the Twin Cities later this week. "Encounters at the End of the world" examines life at the South Pole.
Ron Maddox gets one last 'Taste,' his way
The Taste of Minnesota is poised to change hands within a month. That means that this year's Taste may be the last one that co-founder Ron Maddox gets to do entirely his way.
New Classical Tracks: Revisiting a master of light music
Even people who don't know Leroy Anderson's name recognize the standards that he composed, such as "Sleigh Ride" and "Blue Tango." The Naxos label is marking his centennial by bringing out his complete orchestral music, conducted by no less than Leonard Slatkin.