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From Minnesota Public Radio News, Art Hounds are members of the Minnesota arts community who look beyond their own work to highlight what's exciting in local art.

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This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

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Art Hounds: Minnesota's Cultural Centre of Bird Island brings art to rural areas
Bradley Donner's exhibit “Wild Art,” features paintings of wildlife. Singer/songwriter Dan Rodriguez performs in Excelsior. Artist Sadie Ward's exhibition, “Midwest Women,” uses bras in portraits of famous women.
Art Hounds: Love, collaboration and Shakespeare
In Lanesboro, Commonweal Theatre’s play “Bernhardt/Hamlet” is a “love letter to theater.” Artists at Northside Artspace Lofts display their “Works in Progress” in north Minneapolis. Members of the Minneapolis Guitar Quartet display their range at Sundin Hall in St. Paul on Friday.
Art briefs: Advocates rally for creative jobs lost during pandemic
Arts advocates gathered Tuesday at the state Capitol to rally for a bill to fund the rehiring of jobs lost in the creative sector during the pandemic; the Central Minnesota Arts Board announced the winners of its Individual Artists Awards; and the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Film Festival runs April 13-27 and will host a slate of films made in Minnesota.
Art Hounds: Art about shifting friendships, changing times
“Wish You Were Here” brings an improv comedy approach to grief and friendship at Strike Theater in Minneapolis starting this weekend. In JuCoby Johnson's new play "5," at the Jungle Theater, on two friends in a neighborhood changing around them. Plus, Spring Grove artist Joleen Emery folds and cuts old book pages into meticulous new creations.
Art Hounds: Galleries at Bloomington's Artistry busy with three shows
The Partly Tame trio performs an eclectic evening concert in St Cloud and an hour-long performance “Once on This Island, Jr.,” makes the Broadway show accessible to younger viewers at Stages Theater.
Art Hounds: Peyton Scott Russell's retrospective at White Bear Lake's art center
A 40-year retrospective of Peyton Scott Russell’s art is on view at the White Bear Center for the Arts. Free Little Art Galleries across Minnesota make creativity shareable with anyone who walks by. MacPhail’s Spotlight series combines live music with Eyenga Bokamba’s visual art to create “Translucent Beauty.”
Art Hounds: Art storefronts in Ely, Robert DesJarlait's paintings and Nora Montañez Patterson's new play
The Ely ArtWalk transforms the northern Minnesota town’s storefronts into spaces for local art through February. Nora Montañez Patterson’s play “Code You” from Exposed Brick Theatre turns the pandemic on its head. Robert DesJarlait’s watercolors describe Ojibwe stories, culture and dance at the East Central Regional Arts Council Gallery in Hinckley. 
Art Hounds: Works about love, the magic of the woods and life journeys
Anita White’s retrospective show at Vine Arts Center in Minneapolis documents global, spiritual, and medical journeys. Diamond Knispel’s paintings at Watermark Art Center in Bemidji take visitors through a whimsical day in the Northwoods. The play “These Old Shoes” from Transatlantic Love Affair is a love letter to older people.