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MPR News

From Minnesota Public Radio News, Art Hounds are members of the Minnesota arts community who look beyond their own work to highlight what's exciting in local art.

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This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

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Art Hounds: Bach on the road, BALLS Cabaret and ‘When Doves Choir’
On Art Hounds this week: BALLS Cabaret is back every Sunday at Strike Theater! The Minnesota Bach Society’s Mini Mobile Concerts are in St. Cloud. And Choir! Choir! Choir! teaches the audience to sing Prince, in harmony, at First Avenue on June 1.
Art Hounds: Reflecting on a lost art
Art Hounds talk about “Ugly Lies the Bone” at the Commonweal Theatre in Lanesboro, Threshold Theater’s “Fourplay” and a showcase of local artist Stuart Loughridge.
Art Hounds: A family struggles with the death of a patriarch
An Opera Theatre stages “The Cradle Will Rock,” Full Circle Theater stages “They Wear Teal Ribbons Around Their Tongues” and the Guild of Middle Eastern Dance performs its Spring Spectacular.  
Art Hounds: Remembering Denomie
In this week’s Art Hounds: The Bakken Ensemble; “The Last Flapper” on Zelda Fitzgerald; and work by Dougie Padilla about his friendship with the late Jim Denomie.