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MPR News

From Minnesota Public Radio News, Art Hounds are members of the Minnesota arts community who look beyond their own work to highlight what's exciting in local art.

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This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

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Art Hounds: Escape from puzzle rooms; stream a play about microaggressions and 'Minnesota Nice'
Microaggressions and “Minnesota Nice” in a streamed stage production, an outdoor multimedia show at Jungle Theater and virtual escape rooms are all on the list recommended by this week’s Art Hounds.
Art Hounds celebrates new work by artists of all ages
Theater and visual works focus on the pandemic, artists of color and Black Lives Matter, from a stream by the Illusion Theater to a St. Paul artist’s portfolio available on Facebook. And the student-led StoryArk Festival takes place Sunday.
Art Hounds: Painting and theater to make you reconsider your environment
The paintings of Adam Swanson, on view at the Great Lakes Aquarium, features a federally listed threatened and endangered animal of Minnesota. The Art Hounds also recommend an “angsty and hilarious” improv and teen diary reading at the Minnesota Fringe Virtual Festival, as well as an actor-aided exploration of your habitat, also known as your home.