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From Minnesota Public Radio News, Art Hounds are members of the Minnesota arts community who look beyond their own work to highlight what's exciting in local art.

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This activity is made possible in part by the Minnesota Legacy Amendment's Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund.

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Art Hounds: Artists explore self-care during hard times
Mezzo soprano Mia Athey’s vocal showcase celebrates self-love as a remedy during the pandemic, Tori Hong and Cori Nakamura Lin’s “Growbook” offers a creative self-directed format for healing, and the Danger Committee’s juggling, knife-throwing, comedy show gives the whole family a chance to laugh.
Art Hounds celebrate Black storytelling
The 30th Black Storytelling Festival livestreams several events. The History Theatre makes available online “Diesel Heart — Part 2” about Melvin Carter Jr.’s work as a police officer. And the Twin Cities Jazz Festival marks a full year of weekly livestreamed local jazz.
Art Hounds: Landscapes from southern Minnesota celebrate light
An artist captures the landscapes of the Driftless Region in southeastern Minnesota, Plus, M.A.C. House Gifted Variety Show puts emerging artists on stage, and a dance film’s world premiere invites audiences to listen well.
Art Hounds: Three ways artists support each other
As we approach the one-year anniversary of performance spaces going dark under the coronavirus pandemic, Art Hounds this week recommend three different spaces — two virtual, one physical — where performers, songwriters and visual artists can come together.
Art Hounds recommend abstracts and stand-up
This week's Art Hounds recommend abstract landscapes created by a Twin Cities artist with the help of his feet, a new stand-up comedy special with magic, and a North Mankato artist’s detailed designs.
Art Hounds: Photography three ways
Tony Duran’s celebrity portraits are on display in Winona; Steve Ozone pays homage to flowers and Chinese vegetables; and Melissa Borman captures female figures as active participants within landscapes.
Art Hounds: Take your Valentine to look at art
Artists in the Northrup King building in northeast Minneapolis open studios Saturday evening. Plus, Art Hounds recommend an exhibition of woven art from Artistry, and the Prairie Gate Literary Festival from the University of Minnesota Morris holds its first event.