Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Updraft® is your source for Minnesota forecasts and insights from our expert meteorologists, Paul Huttner, Sven Sundgaard and Mandy Thalhuber.

MPR News brings you the latest weather outlook, across all of Minnesota, so you can be better prepared for your day.

Tracking the snow for southern Minnesota
Snow will be increasing in coverage this morning and fall at varying intensities today and this evening in southern Minnesota. A winter weather advisory has been posted for about the southern third of the state. Snowfall could reach 4 inches later today. Be cautious when traveling today.  Drive with headlights on when encountering snowfall. Watch for changeable…
Early winter chill to continue, snow likely south
Temperatures dropped below zero over portions of Minnesota last night. The favored area was from around Little Falls to Benson, where both locations reported a minimum reading of 8 below around daybreak. The Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport checked in with a low of 8 degrees; 19 degrees below the normal low of 27 for November 14.…
Snow likely Saturday in southern MN; cold continues
Skies are likely to be mostly clear through much of the night in central and eastern Minnesota. More sub zero readings are possible on Saturday morning and some areas south of the Twin Cities may see 4 inches of snow.
Sub zero readings possible Friday morning
Less than two weeks ago, on Nov. 2, the Twin Cities saw a high temperature of 56 degrees. But that sun-splashed Sunday seems so distant. We have short memories.  What has Mother Nature done for us lately? Notice the relatively tight temperature profile between the maximum and minimum temperatures, a signal of cloud cover and…
Different day, same weather story
The last several days have been Minnesota's version of the movie "Groundhog Day." Expect the weather today to be very similar to what we experienced on Wednesday.
Getting settled in for the season
The question of the day: “Do you see a thaw coming?” Not in the foreseeable future. “Okay, how about more snow?” Stay tuned. Meteorologists don’t like to hedge, but playing the part of the politician often comes to the forefront. In other words, we dance around the question. I am fairly certain that a “warm…