Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Snow likely Saturday in southern MN; cold continues

Clear skies and nearly calm winds helped to create an ideal set up to radiate warmth back to space last night. At the same time, cloudiness persisted in the Twin Cities metro area, where overnight lows dropped down to around 10 degrees.

Low temperatures reported overnight in Minnesota through 6 a.m. included 8 degrees below zero at Benson, Little Falls, and Rice.  It was a nippy 6 below in Willmar, 4 below at Princeton and 3 above at St. Cloud.

There appears to be a consistent expansion northward of the expected snowfall on Saturday. Given the relatively cold air mass and the expected long duration of the light snow, accumulations by late Saturday night may exceed 4 inches in portions of southern Minnesota.


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Weather Prediction Center paints an area south of the Twin Cities where 4 inches may accumulate.


Skies are likely to be mostly clear through much of the night in central and eastern Minnesota. More sub zero readings are possible on Saturday morning.

Saturday morning minimums. National Weather Service.

The Sioux Falls, South Dakota, National Weather Service office presents this graphic for the timing of the onset of snowfall on Saturday.


Track the details of the incoming snowfall from the National Weather Service in Sioux Falls by clicking here.